Interdisciplinary and experientialSTEAM Institute

What is STEAM?

STEAM研究所是美国首批此类研究所之一. Human-centered 并且以项目为基础,STEAM是一种跨学科的教育方法,应用多种 disciplines to examine a theme, question, or world issue. The skills acquired through 将技术、艺术和科学与商业和健康研究相结合 全球网络赌博平台这一代的学习者——领导者——肩负着创造美好明天的使命.

批判性思维、好奇心和大胆的精神将STEAM的工作结合在一起 教师和学生,他们是否在探究他们的专业领域的基本问题 学科或应用新知识来解决全球网络赌博平台这个时代最复杂的问题.

Read about the Institute.

Facilities and Lab Spaces:

  • Animation Studio
  • Cyber Forensics Lab
  • 网络范围
  • Design Thinking Studio
  • Engineering Design Lab
  • Engineering Design Competition Suite
  • 电影制片厂
  • Film Editing Suite and Equipment Cage
  • FinTech实验室
  • 地理信息系统实验室
  • 图形 & Illustration Labs
  • Immersive Learning Studio
  • Robotics, Drone, and Animatronics Lab
  • Student Professional Societies & Industry Partners Collaboration Suite

What we're curious aboutEnhancing Business Decisions using AI

人工智能被用于管理风险和改善商业决策 通过利用先进的算法来分析大型数据集并识别模式, trends, and potential risks. Business and finance students use AI to improve their 通过自动化复杂任务和预测市场变化来实现整体绩效.

Learn about our FinTech programs.

people pointing at a wall of green and red data points
student looking into a telescope

What we're curious aboutPromoting Climate Action through 技术 and Art

全球网络赌博平台的艺术家、工程师和科学家鼓励更丰富、更复杂的对话 通过他们的艺术和视觉信息的累积影响来关注气候变化. 学生在书中举例说明人类对动物及其栖息地的影响 and magazines; photography students capture melting ice caps, floods, or wildfires; 地图绘制者使用GIS和Adobe来准确而美观地描绘全球网络赌博平台的地图 oceans and how they’re evolving; sculptors design with recycled materials.

Join the Climate Innovation Challenge.

What we're curious aboutHealing with 技术

在医疗保健领域,需要熟练掌握新兴技术. 因此, 蒸汽学生接受必要的教育,成为合格的护士和培训使用 仿真、虚拟现实、人工智能、3D解剖表和网络 security in preparation for a new wave of expert health systems.

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JU Future制造商Meet Ian Rivera, Electrical Engineering & 音乐

来认识一下伊恩·里韦拉,他是一名充满激情的电气工程和音乐双学位学生 Jacksonville 大学. Ian shares his journey, showcasing how his love for music 和电气工程方面的专业知识结合起来解决现实世界的问题并激发灵感 他的社区. The future is made by those who invest in it. Building a better tomorrow is what Jacksonville 大学 does. Our investments today will shape the results 明天的. 全球网络赌博平台将共同推动下一代的未来创造者,比如伊恩. It starts today. It begins with you. Learn how you can make a difference:

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Meat Ian Rivera, Electrical Engineering & 音乐

我叫伊恩·里维拉我是杰克逊维尔大学电子工程音乐专业的双学位学生 大学.

我相信音乐确实让我成为一个更好的问题解决者,你要做很多计算 on how to play certain notes. You have to do a lot of cross referencing between different 分数. 这可以应用到工程中,因为你需要不断地做交叉 不同主题之间的参考,以最终达到最终产品.

我选择JU是因为他们有我喜欢的电气工程和音乐课程. 我想:这肯定是最好的选择,因为我可以同时做两件事 同一时间.

我的教授洛克伍德博士,当我谈到我对音乐的兴趣,我真的很想 to be a part of JU. Now, when I told her I also wanted to do Engineering she believed that it was possible.

我目前在杰克逊维尔大学管弦乐团演奏大提琴. My mother was 一个横笛吹奏者. 她有音乐硕士学位,她确实确保了音乐的存在 在我的生命中. 我父母在我三年级的时候给我买了一把大提琴 since I just loved it so much.

So I've been in music education for basically most of my life. My passion for engineering 从很小的时候开始,我就把一切都拆散了,因为我真的很想知道 how it worked.

我父亲他年轻的时候做过很多焊接工作,所以当我表现出兴趣的时候 在焊接方面,在电子方面,他真的向我展示了如何去做 翻译到JU并在工程部门帮助我作为老师的帮助 协助并能够帮助其他学生进行焊接和电子工作 工作也一样.

The STEAM Institute recently just opened and it's wonderful! It has a bunch of labs 帮助工程师们团结在一起,想出一些好东西 solutions to problems. STEAM学院确实为许多其他学校树立了标杆 并努力培养解决问题的能力,因为现在全球网络赌博平台有平面设计师 literally in the same classrooms as us.

所以,当我毕业的时候,我希望能够攻读音乐硕士学位,最终 当我完成音乐教育后,我想回去攻读工程硕士学位.

I believe JU has made me a lifelong learner. I'm not done learning just because I get a piece of paper.

My name is Ian Rivera and I'm a Future.制造商!

Keason Drawdy speaks with cybersecurity students

“在网络安全领域,不能满足于已有的成就. Something I could 昨天的部署可能已经被第二天破坏了. You have to make sure your systems maintain their integrity.”

Keason DrawdySenior Cyber Security Solutions Consultant with Emtec

Read more about cybersecurity.

Connecting physical and virtual worlds Advanced Technologies

STEAM研究所拥有的技术可以激发思维,激发想象力, and inspire the future of our students. STEAM focuses on connecting the physical and 通过利用先进技术的参与式学习空间构建虚拟世界.

STEAM的一层侧重于对这些临时建筑的二维研究 世界,突出的是实时网络安全模拟范围,一个金融技术 实验室,利用数据科学,地理信息系统和 U/X Design Studio. 二楼扩展为三维研究,突出显示 由高科技沉浸式学习工作室,机器人创客空间,虚拟创意 content studio, and a compressive 3D printing facility. 


30,000-square-feet of high-touch technology

新闻 from the STEAM Institute

全球赌博十大网站The STEAM Team

  • 比尔•希尔 Executive Director
  • Dr. 鲍勃•Boylan Department Chair, Accounting, Finance & 经济学
  • Dr. 丹尼尔•弗朗茨 Department Chair, Mathematics
  • Dr. Ashley Johnson, Department Chair, Geography
  • Eric Kunzendorf, Department Chair, Media Arts
  • Tiffany Leach, Department Chair, Visual Arts
  • Dr. Amber Santos, Assistant Professor of Nursing; Director of Innovation and Quality
  • Dr. 埃姆雷Selvi, Director, School of Engineering & 技术
  • Dr. 迷你曾, Department Chair, Computing Science

Contact Information

Jacksonville 大学
2800 大学 Blvd N
Jacksonville, FL 32211

Phone: (904) 256-7337